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Final Cycles Solution

As we continue to develop our policy for evaluating possible locations for implantation of Final Cycles plastic waste solution around the globe, Final Cycles is convinced that we must move forward on three fronts simultaneously:

  1. Implement waste awareness programs in local schools and communities

  2. Facilitate the collection and sorting of domestic plastic waste

  3. Construct modular plastic-to-fuel plants in collaborating municipalities

The plastic waste crisis cannot be solved by recycling if communities continue to use and abuse plastic at the current rate. The key to the waste solution is primarily, to reduce the volume of plastic going into the waste stream at a household level. Secondly, to separate plastic waste and treat it with the respect it deserves: it is a valuable commodity that can be recycled and it is a dangerous waste product that can no longer be irresponsibly discarded. We must proactively increase every community's awareness. 


Therefore, interested municipalities and communities will be required to proactively implement our educational programs in schools to instruct school children on the responsible management of waste (plastic) and its detrimental effect on the environment. These Final Cycles educational programs must be implemented concomitantly with Final Cycles plastic waste recycling.


Final Cycles is focusing its resources on delivering a free waste treatment service and a free school-based educational program to help solve a municipality's waste problem. Thus we do not have the financial, human nor time resources to coach municipalities and their local communities on the benefits of having us join their fight against waste. That would go beyond the scope of our resources. What we are trying to achieve is self-evident, and we feel that municipalities need to have a proactive mindset to the point that they take full responsibility for convincing their own communities of the benefits of Final Cycles  intervening in their waste crisis and take care of the local requirements to implement the Final Cycles solution.


Thus, interested municipalities are required to provide Final Cycles with a suitable site for Final Cycles to perform its recycling activities and facilitate Final Cycles' access to schools and local communities.  Lastly, participating municipalities will be required to deal with their own environmental agencies and other licensing institutions.


Final Cycles will provide support and strategies to the municipalities and communities in order that they develop their own waste collection and sorting processes. Until recently, municipalities were able to sell their sorted plastic waste. Since China closed its doors in 2018, this is no longer possible and most countries are now having to pay to have their plastic waste removed. In contrast to this trend, Final Cycles is offering to remunerate communities for their sorted plastic waste, thus adding an attractive incentive.

Request Form

We want to work with individuals and organizations who are ready for real solutions to plastic pollution in their area. Please use the form below to introduce yourself and tell us about your interest in working with our dedicated team.

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In the Looking Glass DBA FINAL CYCLES 501(c)3

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