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Pledge to reduce your use

Take a Pledge

Currently about 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year to make bags, bottles, packages, and other commodities for people all over the world. Unfortunately, less than ten percent of this plastic is properly recycled and reused. The rest ends up as waste in landfills or as litter in our natural environment, where it leaches dangerous chemicals into the nearby soil and water, endangering humans and wildlife alike.

Final Cycles is asking governments, businesses, and individuals to join our mission to put an end to plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is not only impacting our waters and marine life, but also the food chain and our overall health. We're mobilizing key actors and institutions and citizens across the globe to bring about a new level of consciousness about plastics pollution and a paradigm shift. The world must perceive plastics not only as the environmental challenge of global proportions but a symbol of the values that need to change to build a more sustainable world.

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In the Looking Glass DBA FINAL CYCLES 501(c)3

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